Supporting Women with BreastEez and Carrflex®

It will not be news to at least 50% of the population that for many women, lying on their stomach can be awkward, uncomfortable and even painful.

For these women, rolling-up towels or carefully shaping sand are all too familiar rituals necessary for a comfortable day at the beach. Seeking relaxation or relief, many instead find themselves shifting and wincing through massages, physio and other treatments.

Even for women who typically can find comfort laying on their chest, at some stage, many will experience swollen, enlarged breasts from hormonal periods or breast feeding. Breast augmentation and other surgeries can also result in tenderness and discomfort.

After undergoing breast surgery in 2010 and then again in 2022, Jesse found that chest discomfort made it impossible for her to enjoy massages, a favourite treat as a mother of three young children. Jesse was determined to find a solution and after much research and a few prototypes, BreastEez Pillows was born.

The BreastEez Pillow consists of a foam cushion with a central hole and a cut-out for the chin. The cushion provides support for the chest and shoulders but without placing pressure on the breasts. The foam cushion is covered in the best available polyurethane coated textile, Carrflex® Extreme. The removable Carrflex® cover is soft, flexible, water resistant, antimicrobial and easily cleaned, making it the perfect solution for balancing comfort and durability.

Today, Jesse is busy meeting growing orders for pillows through her online store and demonstrating her products at exhibitions across Australia.

Just as Jesse designed a product specifically to support women, CARR is equally proud to support her business and all her grateful customers.

breasteez pillow logo

Please contact us for further information about Carrflex® Extreme.